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Fabric Inspection Procedure



‡dweªK B݇cKkb c×wZ

Fabric Inspection Procedure in Apparel Industry.

  • Fabric receive from fabric supplier (mvcøvqvi †_‡K ‡dweªK MÖnY)
  •  Fabric inventory & keep the record (†d«weªK ¸`vgRvZ KiY I ‡iKW© msiÿY)
  • Collect fabric Supplier Inspection Report 100% (mvcøvqvi 100% †dweªK B݇cKkb wi‡cvU© msMÖn Kiv nq)
  • All colors and shade must be checked in a light box. (D 65, TL83 & UV light) Against the colors standard the approve sample by two person.
  • mKj Kvjvi I †kW¸‡jv Aek¨B Kvjvi ÷¨vÛvW© Abyhvqx GKwU jvBU e‡· (D65), TL80, A jvBU I UV jvBU N›Uvq cixÿv Kiv nq Ges `yBRb Øviv m¨v¤új ¸‡jv Aby‡gv`b Kiv‡bv nq

·         Takes 10 % fabric for inspection on 4 point system.(c‡q›U wm‡÷‡g B݇cKkb Kivi Rb¨ 10% †dweªK †bIqv nq)

            Fabric inspection for 4 point system. (4 c‡q›U c×wZ‡Z ‡dweªK B݇cKkb)

            0 to 3 inch =1 point white sticker (0 †_‡K 3 BwÂ= 1 c‡q›U = mv`v w÷Kvi)

            3 to 6 inch =2 point =Green sticker (3 †_‡K 6 BwÂ= 2 c‡q›U = meyR w÷Kvi)

            6 to 9 inch =3 point = Yellow sticker (6 †_‡K 9 BwÂ= 3 c‡q›U = njy` w÷Kvi)

            9 to 36 inch =4 point = Red sticker (9 BwÂi Dc†i-36 BwÂ/1 MR/1 wjUvi =4 c‡q›U jvj w÷Kvi)


  •   FOR HOLE (wQ`ª ev †nv‡ji Rb¨t)  
  • Less or EQUAL to1” 2 point =Green sticker (1 Bw ev Zvi Kg= 2 c‡q›U = meyR w÷Kvi) 
  • Large than 1”=4 point =Red Sticker (1 BwÂi eo = 4 c‡q›U = jvj w÷Kvi)
  • 1st fabric inspection for 10 % if fail than again 15 % if fail then again 100 % (1g †dweªK B݇cKkb Kiv nq 10% Gi Dci, AZtci ‡dBj n‡j Avev‡iv I 15% B݇cKkb Kiv nq, AZtci Avev‡iv ‡dBj n‡j 100% B݇cKkb Kiv nq)
  • If fabric is less than 1000 meter then Inspection will be 100 %. (hw` †dweªK 1000 wgUv‡ii Kg nq †m‡ÿ‡Î 100% †dweªKB B݇cKkb Ki‡Z n‡e)
  • The Fabric Inspection must be either be alternated between 2 people every 2 hours, or a break scheduled every 2nd hour in order to make a proper judgment to avoid fatigue. †dweªK B݇cKkb Aek¨B `yBRb‡K cÖwZ 2 N›Uv ci ch©vqµ‡g cwieZ©b K‡i Ki‡e A_ev cÖwZ 2 N›Uv ci ci 1 Rb weiwZi gva¨‡g KvR Kiv‡bv n‡e| hv‡Z †m mwVK g~j¨vqb Ki‡Z cv‡i I Zvi K¬vwšÍ ev Avem¨vK bv Av‡m|
  • Overhand & transmitted lighting minimum 1000 lux. (†gwk‡bi Dc‡ii I Av‡k cv‡ki Av‡jv ‡hb Kgc‡ÿ 1000 jv· nq|)
  • Individual roll point (Avjv`v Avjv`v †iv‡ji c‡q›U wbY©q)
  •   Roll pint ×36×100/ Inspected YDS ×Cu table width (Inch) = % yds. (†iv‡ji c‡q›U × 36 × 100 / hZ MR B݇cKkb Kiv n‡q‡Q × †dweª‡Ki KvUvei DBf (BwÂ) = % MR|)
  • Average points for Inspection lot (B݇cK‡±W j‡Ui Rb¨ Mo c‡q›U|)
  • Total roll point ×36×100 / Total Inspected yds. × Cu table width (Inch) = % yds.
  • (†iv‡ji c‡q›U × 36 × 100 / hZ MR B݇cKkb Kiv n‡q‡Q × †dweª‡Ki
  •  Avmj DBf ev MÖ¯’ (BwÂ) = % MR|)
  • Acceptable Point for YDS (MR % Gi MÖnY †hvM¨ c‡q›U mg~n)

Fabric Type (‡dweª‡Ki aiY)


Average (Mo)

Individual Roll (Avjv`v Avjv`v †ivj)

Worsted wool


10 % (10)

13 % (13)



13 % (13)

17 % (17)



25 % (25)

30 % (30)

Other natural


18 % (18)

24 % (24)

  • Reporting S/B during Fabric Inspection (†dweªK B݇cKk‡bi mgq wi‡cvU© Kiv nq|)
  •  Compare the Fabric Supplier report with the Factory Fabric Inspection if found discrepancy then need the Inform GM, QM, and Merchandiser. (d¨v±ixi †dweªK B݇cKkb wi‡cv‡U©i mv‡_ mvcøvqv‡ii wi‡cv©U Kiv nq, hw` cv_©K¨ cvIqv hvq Z‡e Zv wRGg, wKDGg I g‡P©ÛvBR¨vi‡K Rvbv‡bv nq|)
  •  If Fabric Inspection fail then the roll keep separately in the rejection area and inform to GM QM & Merchandiser for replace that by fabric supplier. (hw` ‡dweªK B݇cKkb †dBR nq Zvn‡j GB †ivjwU‡K wi‡RKkb GjvKv‡Z Avjv`v K‡i ivLv nq, G e¨vcv‡i wRGg I wKDGg †K Rvbv‡bv nq Ges I g‡P©ÛvBR¨vi‡KI Rvbv‡bv nq hv‡K wZwb mvcøvqv‡ii gva¨‡g ‡dweªK cwieZ©b K‡i Avb‡Z cv‡ib|)
  • Fabric Inspection record S/B keep minimum 06 Months. (Kgc‡ÿ 6 gvm †dweªK B݇cKk‡bi wi‡cvU© msiÿY Kiv DwPr|)



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