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How many kinds of Printing in apparel industry?


 How many kinds of Printing in apparel industry?

What is Screen Print/Printing in Apparel Industry.

  • me© cÖ_g Avgv‡`i Rvb‡Z n‡e  Print Kv‡K e‡j ?
  • Print k‡ãi A_© - Qvcv ev gy`ªb Kiv |
  • GK ev GKvwaK is Ges cÖ‡qvRbxq Dcv`v‡bi mswgkÖ‡b †Kvb wKQzi Dci †Kvb wPÎ †K Qvc ev gy`ªb Kiv‡K Print e‡j|

 Print  wewfbœ †gwkb Øviv wewfbœ e¯‘i Dci n‡Z cv‡i 

Question :  How many kinds of Printing/ Screen Print ? 

Answer : There are fourteen  kinds of  Printing.

  1. Rubber print
  2. Pigment print
  3. Plastic shoal print
  4. Hidden city print
  5. Fayal print
  6. Flock print
  7. Block print
  8.  Dix sass print
  9. Sticker print
  10. Sugar print / Glitter print
  11. Stone print
  12. Crake print
  13.  Pope and  ambush print
  14. Afsan  prin

1.      Rubber print :

Rubber = 40 % Clear 60 % Red, Orange, Violet, Heat 170°C 
ivevi wcÖ›U †h †Kvb †dweª· Gi g‡a¨ wcÖ›U Kiv hvq| wbU †dweª· ïay gvÎ †jvKvj †KwgK¨vj w`‡q wcÖ›U Kiv hvq|
I‡fb Kvco †hgb t kvU©, c¨v›U, †j‡ej, †mv‡qUvi, Uv‡cUv, Ges †h †Kvb bvBjb  Kvco Gi g‡a¨ wcÖ›U Ki‡j bvBjb †KwgK¨vj cÖ‡qvRb|  

Rubber Print


Pigment print

1.      Pigment print :

NK Fixer         10 %
Binder             20 %
Water              70 %
PG Gum          cwigvbgZ
T-Blue             cwigvbgZ
Green              cwigvbgZ
Yellow            cwigvbgZ
Heat                 170°C

1.      Plastic shoal print :

Plastic sol + Hayden site
Plastic sol clear           3 †_‡K 4 evi
Plastic sol color           2 evi
Plastic sol Oil              cwigvbgZ
Heat                            250°C
Sprit                            cwigvbgZ


Plastic sol + Hayden site
Plastic sol + Hayden site
Plastic sol  Hayden site  90 %
Plastic sol bag                10 %
Plastic sol Oil              cwigvbgZ
Heat                            200°C †_‡K 220°C

1.      Hidden city print :

Hidden city clear         2 evi
Hidden city color        4 evi
Heat ball Curing time 3 minute 180°C †_‡K 200°C
Fabric color Dry hw` Kg nq Zv n‡j wcÖ›U color change  n‡e|
Color change  nIqvi we‡kl K‡qKwU Kvib i‡q‡Q †hgb t-
wKDwis †ewk n‡j|
‡dweª· Kvjvi KvPv n‡j|
‡dweª· Kvjvi wWc n‡j|
wcÖ›U Kvjvi wg· bv n‡j|


1.      Fayal print :

SP Top / Me binder
Heat                 cwigvbgZ
SP Top / Me binder chemical
GUv ïay d¬K †gwkb Øviv e¨envi Kiv nq|


1.      Flock print :

M / C White
Nylon fixer                  05 %
Flock fixer                  05 %
Heat                             180°C †_‡K 200°C


1.      Block print :


2.      Dix sass print :


3.      Sticker print :

Sticker print heat 180°C †_‡K 190°C and only 10 second.


4.      Sugar print :


5.      Stone print :

Stone print hw` wnU Kg nq Zvn‡j Stone D‡V †h‡Z cv‡i| A_©vr cwigvbgZ wnU w`‡Z n‡e|


6.      Crake print :


7.      Pope and  ambush print :


8.      Afsan  print :




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