Traceability Audit Procedure in Apparel Industry.
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Purpose & Scope
It's refers to how a products identification
process can be started. during and after the production process and what
is the procedure to track any product backwards to understand what all
processes it has gone through, which all departments were involved and who were
the personnel responsible at each and every stage.
Below is provided complete detail covering all the departments with
their respective systems for product identification and product traceability.
- v Head of QA.
- v Head of Production.
- v Head of HR, Admin & Compliance.
- The Commercial department provides the information to the store regarding which invoice is coming.
- The truck comes to the factory. The challan should have the same invoice no. which has been provided by the commercial department.
- The challan also contains a Lock No. which is verified with the actual lock by the security.
- Once verified, the truck is opened and goods are matched for Invoice No., Order No. Style No and Color. After confirming the goods, offloading starts with cross verification against challan.
- Fabric Roll contains the information of consignee, fabric code, Roll No., Order No., Style No., quantity, color and shade lot. All the rolls are kept in the fabric store.
- Blanket cutting is done for each roll and tags are attached to each and every roll by the fabric Inspection team.
- The tag contains the information of Order No., Style No., Roll no., color, yardage and width of roll.
- All blankets are sent for wash by the lab for shade and shrinkage test. After this, shade report is prepared and sent to respective department.
- According to the shade report, the store segregates the rolls and keep the rolls in racks color, shade and shrinkage wise.
- 10% rolls are checked for quality using 4 points system Inspection. During inspection, the defects are marked with glass pencil for future products identification. Random inspection report is prepared for the fabric rolls being inspected.
- All passed rolls are marked with a green tag and all fail rolls are marked with a red tag.
- Requisition of fabric is received from cutting (cutting order form). The requisition contains the details of style, order no, date, color, shade, lay length, cut qty, size breakdown, fabric received width wise quantity required. The requisition contains the signature of respective merchandiser.
Trims and Accessories:
- The Commercial department provides the information to the store regarding which invoice is coming.
- The truck comes to the factory. The challan should have the same invoice no. which has been provided by the commercial department.
- The challan also contains a Lock No. which is verified with the actual lock by the security.
- Commercial department also provides the supplier packing list containing the details of supplied name, address, mode of transportation, date and the signature of person who has prepared it. It also contains the details of carton no., size, gross weight, style, order no., color, quantity, total quantity and unit of measurement.
- Once verified, the truck is opened and goods are matched for Invoice No., Order No. and Color. After confirming the goods, offloading starts with cross verification against challan.
- After offloading, picture is taken for all the cartons and weight is measured for all the cartons containing metal trims.
- Each carton contains the order no., style no. carton no. and air way bill no for its products identification.
- After physical counting Inventory report is prepared by the stores and one copy each is provided to merchandising, commercial and store.
- Any shortage observed is highlighted by the store and detail is provided to respective merchandiser and commercial department.
- 10% of the lot is inspected for quality and Trims and Accessories checklist is prepared. It contains style no., order no., date, name of buyer, name of item, unit, received quantity, checked qty (10%), defect qty, pass qty, fail qty, re audit and remarks.
- All non-identifiable trims (buttons/ rivets) are repacked in small poly bags (100 pcs each packet) and the poly bag contains the details of style no. and order no. on it. This helps the operator during attaching these trims to clearly differentiate between different styles and avoid any mixing. The operator has to open the small packet and then only start attaching
- Requisition for trims is received from sewing (materials issue requisition and balance return form) along with attached cutting sheet for verification. The requisition contains the details of date, order no., order no., style, description of item, size, required qty, issued qty and remarks.
- Before issuing the trims and accessories, the store verifies the trims against the approved Trim card issued by the respective merchandiser.
- After receiving, the fabric rolls
are opened for relaxation. The rolls are checked with the shade report and
the required fabric rolls laying is done shade wise/ group wise.
- The marker contains the details of style, marker name, marker length, marker ratio, marker efficiency, marker width, marker type and shrinkage. Each part on the marker contains the details of part name, no. of parts, pattern shrinkage, color, date, size, group and style.
- Marking and spreading check report is prepared which contains the details of style, order no., lay no., cut no., fabric swatch, color, marker width, marker length, spreading length, ply height, marker no., size, ratio, no. of garments, roll no., fabric width, yardage, no. of ply, end bits, actual yardage, difference, name of spreading person and cutting person along with starting time and ending time.
- The cut parts are numbered as per cutting wise and the details are recorded in the cutting register. The cutting register contains the details of date, day, cut no., lay, shade, marker ratio, marker length, marker width, size details, today cut and total cut.
- After the last numbering closest to 9999, the next cutting is again numbered from 0001.
- Every numbering sticker has the size and serial no mentioned on it for matching during stitching.
- The sewing is done following the cutting sequence.
- In the sewing line, each bundle goes with a bundle ticket which contains the details of part, bundle no., cut no., numbering details, size, qty, Order no., Style, PO No., Color, Buyer, Shade Lot and total Qty.
- All the trims are verified with approval Trim card and Red Tag sample before attaching.
- Each garment is attached with shade label (provided by cutting section) and stitching is done.
- Garments are sent for wash in bundles shade wise/ ratio wise. The challan contains the details of order no., color, style detail, shade and quantity being sent for wash.
- Each bag contains a tag containing the details of order no., color, style detail, shade, qty, line no. and factory.
- Washing is done shade wise ratio wise and sent for finishing accordingly.
- Finishing input is taken shade wise/ ratio wise.
- The garments are checked in finishing for quality and all QC pass garments are marked with a QC pass sticker. This sticker contains a unique no. which is specific to a particular QC and so all QC pass garments can be tracked back that which QC has passed a particular garment.
- After QC pass, all the packing trims are attached in the garment. The trims contain all the information regarding the style, color, size, PO no. and other necessary information. The garments are put into cartons as per the ratio mentioned in the packing list sent by the respective merchandiser.
- The hourly auditor conducts an audit on the completely packed garments and if the lot gets passed, the lot is offered to the internal auditor.
- The internal auditor conducts the audit randomly based on AQL 1.5 sampling level-ll and puts a stamp on all the cartons which are passed.
- After being passed the internal audit, cartons are sent for External audit.
- External audit is conducted for 100% of the cartons where each and every single garment is inspected for correct packing trims. Once the external audit is passed, the carton is secured by tape and marked by stamp.
- The carton contains the details of style, po no., qty in pack, pack id, and manufacturing country. Required Sticker is posted in every carton which contains all the details about the carton in the form of barcode.
- Carton stacking is done in the carton cage size wise, color wise, po wise, style wise.
- Inspection is conducted by the buyer QA and after being passed the cartons are ready for shipment.
- Commercial department informs the store via mail regarding the shipments for the day.
- The commercial department provides the packing list (received from merchandiser after confirmation by factory).
- The store manager cross checks the Style and Qty with the Garments Products Identification GM and also gets the confirmation whether the inspection is passed or not.
- After confirmation, the packing list is cross checked with the actual carton quantity.
- Commercial department confirms the Vehicle no. for loading.
- The respective vehicle is checked by store executive and security (whether vehicle is OK for security of the garments).
- After security check, loading is done.
- After loading, Lenny Lock is sealed in the vehicle containing same no. on both ends.
- Issue of this lock is responsibility of Commercial GM.
- Gate pass is prepared containing details of destination, sending person, date, serial no., description of goods, quantity and remarks. It has the signature of receiver, security, authorized personnel and manager.
- Two copies of the gate pass are provided to the driver, one copy is sent to commercial department and one copy is kept in store for reference.
- Accordingly, challan is made containing details of date, name, address, our bond no., party bond no., subcontract bond no., serial no., description of garments/ product traceability and quantity.
One copy of the challan is kept by security, one copy is provided to the driver and one copy is kept by store for reference of product identification.
Related documents:
- Traceability audit Report.
- Others related reporting document.
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